Thursday, June 25, 2009

An Anynonymouse Gives a Good Chuckle/Myths

"but I don't think E collars or dominance like the outdated koehler method is appropriate, the first one adversly affects the nervous system,
the other affects the psychological well being of the dog."

See on this posting of Competing for Dogs Lives.

I mean really, I nearly fell out of my chair in a laughing fit. Realize that e-collars are powered by AA batteries. I mean do these people live in the backwoods somewhere, where people are hooking their dogs up to car batteries. Or are they just too ignorant to research and find something out about things that they have no knowledge of.

By the way, this anonymouse has been posting for a while on the pretext of looking for help. If you look at their posts, however, you will see that there is an agenda there quite clearly. These extremists clearly think the rest of us are stupid. The real puzzling thing is, especially since this comes from Pennsylvania, is why all the secrecy on who you are.

There have been other anonymouse posters lately too on my blog. Yet I don't delete them, I don't moderate them (unless they are spam, then that's deleted), I don't edit them, and I answer for myself. Weird huh? I wonder why anyone else who believes in what they are doing would choose to hide themselves????

And I love it when an Anonymouse calls the following quote from me ugly, on a blog where a lady is not only trialing her dog with a gaping wound, but this same dog has bad knees. Ever try kneeling in place for a minute if you have bad knees. Dogs need to sit in place for a minute (at least when trialing for Novice A Obedience---don't know about Novice Rally as that's quite a watered down experience). Seriously, considering this woman was bragging about doing this, I found this comment quite polite:

"Congratulations. However, please do not bring an injured dog into the ring in the future. AKC has rules about the fact that a dog should be comfortable.

These should be respected not short cut. I understand there is a money thing involved, but my dog’s comfort trumps $$$s any day."

As was this remark about dogs being luxury items:

"Personally, my pets are not a luxury, they are part of my family and responsibility. With the economy this year, we have so paired down our expenses not only to make our bills, but to be sure we have cash should an emergency crop up.

We also make sure preventable things simply do not happen to our dogs. We also have insurance policies on the one that we adopted as a puppy (rescues would be assumed to have to many pre-existing conditions).

There are families that are truly in peril and can’t afford the bill. However, what you can do is locate a rescue and be friends with them, so if the unthinkable happens, they may step in, pay the vet bills, and rehome the dog.

If you are not prepared for what might come down the pike medically or care wise in general for a dog, then you should not have a dog. I would sell my house (downgrade) and the contents of my house for my dogs first, if they could be treated and get better. We just paid several thousand dollars for my dogs ACL tear to be repaired.

Sorry, I am sure some will feel offended for the responsibility and love that I feel for my dogs. However, that is my opinion and my expectations of myself. Your opinions may differ and your mileage may vary, that’s okay."

Wow what an ugly comment??? Or perhaps just a difference of opinion which is ugly when I have it, but a difference of opinion when someone else posts something Anonymousely to my blog:) Yeah, then it's different, because I use all the tools int he tool box to help the dog. Evil, evil, trainer, I know.

Then to have the audacity to share what I know publicly and honestly. Clearly reasons for such attacks as the one recently from It's clearly okay when they bully with the ridiculous myths above and misinformation posted everywhere. But should anyone disagree with them in the most benign way, it's ugly and bullying. Or perhaps there is just no real defense for what is being done?

Another Anonymouse quote that made me laugh was "Too bad you can't think of any real content of your own". Wow, I must not be posting enough of my own procedures and video work LOL. I often get this comment that there is not enough content on my site (sarcasm intended) This most likely from someone who challenged to make me see what they could do on video. Haven't see any evidence of their training plans, cases, OR video. Well, there was the one video that was the reason for their challenge that they COULD do better. Hmmmmmmm. Quite awhile ago now.

Mannerly Mutts Dog Training
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