Friday, June 26, 2009

Balanced Training/Positive Politics/Postively An Example of Abuse is allowing for conversation of Balanced Training (and why this site is not balanced). I think this is excellent. There are many great examples here of what balanced training is from posters like thinkdog, allgooddoggies, and dogrealist to name a few.

What did pop up though from poster user name, reflxyon, is an example of real abuse by a positive extremist? First of all she/he got an idea to use hot sauce as a replacement for an e-collar or prong collar to test on her dog. I am frankly horrified! Why? Because the actual punishment (not correction) does not go away even when the dog is in compliance. You are teaching the dog nothing other than to be uncomfortable for a twisted argument that doesn't even make sense.

The danger in this, and this site, is the complete lack of understanding of other training methodologies and equipment, that allow for people who have not studied them to put their dogs deliberately through this kind of abuse. Rather than learn about the equipment and why it's kinder than hot sauce, instead they deliberately chose to torture their dog. This is the kind of scary "science" that goes on to prove something. It's the complete lack of knowledge that leads to these sorts of things, never mind the total myths out there that everyone takes as fact without further investigation.

However, reflxyon does make one very important point that I am sure was not intended. When a prong or e-collar is used correctly, this can be seen by the dogs happily working state. If the prong or e-collar was used abusively as was done with the hot sauce, the dog would neither be happy to see the collar OR go on a walk.

Similar stories abound on other trainers misuse of equipments, and now their dogs are scared of them. This usually happens when people decide to use equipment on their own (and according to the myths), and use it abusively with their dogs. They did not research the methods and true use of the collar. That is something that I never condone.

Mannerly Mutts Dog Training
Mannerly Mutts Blog


Anonymous said...

If you actually bothered to read her comment rather than skim, you would see that she did NOT use the hot sauce and that it was not her dog. She is a trainer and was working with a dog who's owners had used the hot sauce. She never used it herself. No wonder you leave so many confused screwed up comments -- your reading comprehension skills suck.

Robin said...

Another Anonymouse,

She said she was "experimenting" with a dog and hot sauce. She did not say why she was doing this.

Quite frankly, I still don't know why as the answer was obvious and has nothing to do with e-collars.

Robin said...

By the way, regarding reading comprehension, she did use it. She showed it to the dog after knowing that dog was abused with it.

As an experiment... Why not, and this is way out there I know, just go on and train the dog??? YOu know with techniques that would work. Thereby showing why the other techniques did not work. Ground breaking, I know.