Thursday, April 23, 2009

Pack Behavior

Just thinking today about pack behavior, as Petey is here at doggie daycare. Just so you know, Petey is a pleasure and HE likes every dog he sees.
Jack sees him, and Jack changes into Satan personified. Well, a controlled demon at any rate, but a demon suddenly not allowed into his regular pack,
Pack behavior, in my world, has nothing to do with wolves or dominance. It has to do with the subtle (or not so subtle) change in a dynamic that effects everyone. Because Jack doesn't like Petey, and even though Jack is in a crate....Pluto, Jack's friend, is suddenly leery of Petey.
Take Jack out of the equation, and everyone is running around having a great time. Take Pete out, put Jack in, and everyone is running around having a great time. Put both of them in a room together whether one is contained or not, and very tense situation. Petey never did anything to Jack, and in fact were it up to him, they would be the best of friends.
I have resigned myself that it is not to be between the two, and horrible for the pack health of daycare when those two are near each other.
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