Thursday, August 28, 2008

Thursday Thirteen (13) Things You Loose When Adopting A Dog

Here are thirteen things you loose when you adopt a dog:

  1. The ability to sleep in or all night (dogs need to go to the bathroom, and there is no indoor toilet for them as yet).

  2. Ability to be spontaneous. Dogs require your care and attention. There are times you are going to need to be home, or be absolutely sure that someone is there in your place.

  3. Money. Veterinarian appointments, unforeseen illnesses, food, pet sitters, training lessons, dog treats, dog toys, et al all require money to be expended.

  4. The likely hood of not having poop or pee on your floor or rug at some point no matter how well trained your dog is (diarrhea waits for no one to open the door).

  5. Time. Dogs need your time and attention during each and every day.

  6. Being a coach potato. Dogs need your energy as well to keep them entertained and fit.

  7. Some friends or guests. Some people are very allergic to dogs and do not take allergy medicine because they figure they will be able to avoid dogs, or they just do not like dogs. So they are more likely not to visit.

  8. Secure in the knowledge that someone else is taking care of your pet well. Just as in child care, there are those "professionals" that will abuse your animals. It's best to take all the precautions that you can, and your dog or cat can't tell you about what is going on.

  9. Being worry free in general. Due to the short lives and likely hood of some illness in your pet, you will likely worry about the pet that you care so much about.

  10. Being lazy about putting food away. Hey, what would you do if there was a cake laying right out in the open? Or a roast?

  11. Being unaware of where certain chemicals are. Lots of things can quickly kill your pet that are in the house.

  12. Not being resposible for another. Dogs are a lot of responsibility. It's not only a pet owner's job to keep their pet safe, but also keep other pets and humans safe from the said pet.

  13. Being lonely:)

York Maine Dog Trainer, Robin Rubin, can be reached at for any questions or inquiries. Ready to start dog training in Maine now? Call Robin at 207-361-4395. Most services offered can be found at

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