Sunday, August 17, 2008

Gigi-Dog Introduction

1) She does not appear to be particularly territorial. This might be different at your house, but it doesn't appear so as she accepts Jackie there readily. So this is why whether you are inside or outside should not make a difference. Sometimes, a bit of room so you can maneuver quickly makes it a bit easier.2) Lots of movement in a dog that Gigi has not accepted yet, will slow down the process. She will get all prey driven (think skateboarder reaction) when that happens with a dog she doesn't know. Now you have seen me do this with other dogs, but not in a situation where I plan to make them friends. I am training Gigi not to react to the movement of a strange dog then, but not expecting they will be best buds afterward, as she will be a tad worked up until she gets used to that. It was more for pushing her when we hadn't seen other strange dogs, and the dogs were not SO strange that she was going to react.3) I don't think I have ever just walked Gigi up to the dog. I more allowed her to wander in that direction if she was calm, and she looked interested and not excited. I try to make it as low key as I possibly can. Very ho hum, oh there is a dog over there. So what, oh you want to go check it out? Rather than Gigi come over see this dog. Then if they happen to be close by, naturally I tend to have butts a plenty around the face area. Actually, dogs normally tend to do this on their own. It's a very non confrontational way to meet. Again, I don't start forcing them into position, I may subtly maneuver if it seems close and just a little help is required. Hope all is going well over there in the meantime

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