Friday, March 13, 2009

Thank You to My Wonderful Customers!!

Dear Customers,

Thank you for caring for your dogs. Thank you for providing for their nutritional, emotional, physical, medical, shelter, stability, and training needs. You do this for obvious love and caring for your dogs.

Not everyone does this for their dogs. You should know that my core customers are very special in this regard. It rips my heart out when I find myself emotionally and financially involved with "the other kind of" people. It's sad when I care more about their dogs welfare, than they do themselves.

Luckily, most of my customers (about 90%) know how cruel it is to put a professional through this turmoil, and deeply care first and foremost for the well being of their dogs, rather than selfish "other" needs. Thank you for not taking advantage of me, and providing these things for your dogs so I don't need to worry about them for you.

My dear customers, my heart is glad when your dogs return to you, because I know they are safe and loved. When the rare "other thing" happens, it puts a deep tear in my heart. Thank you for keeping a portion of my heart whole and healthy.
Yours Truly,
Robin Rubin

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