Sunday, July 6, 2008

Our Oldest Girl

Jazz has been my very first dog. She came to us in 1997 or so at 3 years old. She will be 16 next January. Wow!! A Doberman's average life span is 11.

We have our days where we wonder how comfortable she really is. If only these guys could talk!! Then we have the last two days. Yesterday, Jazz woke up quite sprightly. She tormented 4 year old red Doberman male, Jackie. First, he realized she was in her "hunt him down" mood, and he flattened himself on the floor. He was hoping for the power of invisibility no doubt. Actually, Jazz can't really see or hear any more, not much at all. She can smell and feel however, much to Jack's chagrin. He was discovered flattened on the floor, and his ears were licked.

At some point, he realized she wasn't leaving in any big hurry, and he flew out from under her. In the young days, Jazz would have flown after him, but old Jazz toddled with Frankenstein determination to find her quarry and parry with him. I was glued to each moment. There was my girl having a great time.

This morning, the simple flipping of a bony toy that she found on the ground, brought a smile to my face, and now we spend the day watching a bit of Wimbledon in bed. I wish it could last forever.

Need your dog trained? Visit the services page. Or contact me at 207-361-4395 in York Maine. Ask for Robin Rubin, Dog Trainer.

Say no to HSUS, PETA, No Shock Collar Coalition (NSCC) or Truly Dog Friendly Organization (TDF). Articles and information on why I do not support these organizations is on here and here.

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