Saturday, July 26, 2008

Gigi Day 19

Early Morning:
1. Lesson length 20 minutes.
2. Objective of lesson is to get Gigi familiar with sinking into a down on her own.
3. Method or technique used is influenced by Koehler method of down (not down stay or sit on the dog and not training program due to condensed time).
4. Tools used are 6' leather lead and metal training collar.
5. No homework for owner as yet.
6. Gigi is still figuring out her options. She stiffened right leg today to make it more difficult. We have started on the correction phase of the training, however.

1. Lesson length 1 and a half hours.
2. Objective of the lesson is to get Gigi both heeling and lying quietly while quite close to dogs walking towards her. Or closer than we have been, and without the muzzle.
3. Method or techniques used are both Bedrock's sit on the dog (about 37 minutes, seven of those being before Gigi went into position of down) and Koehler influenced heeling (but not training program due to condensed time).
4. Tools are 6' leather lead, metal training collar, and electronic collar.
5. No homework for client's as yet, as they are not involved.
6. Gigi became very excited over one Corgi coming towards us, and bit her leash hard when corrected with the e-collar (normally working level, was a protest bite). Did passes of about 10 feet away from a terrier and the owner who cooperated. Saw a pretty reactionary Newfoundland and was interested but didn't get too worried. She is still shaking in the sit on the dog, but it gets less and less each time, as the time for her to go down gets less and less. She has the most problem on Short Sands than Long Sands or Portsmouth, so I am going to spend the rest of her training time here working that.

Late Evening (7PM):
1. Training time one hour.
2. Objective of training, see how Gigi does in comparison with Short Sands on Long Sands beach with many on leash dogs (actually ended up being many off leash dogs).
3. Techniques used were Koehler influenced heeling and sit stay became very important (but not training program due to condensed time).
4. Tools used 6' leather leash, metal training collar, and electronic collar.
5. No homework for client as yet.
6. Big red Golden Retriever rushed us (from behind) right as we went into Long Sands. Gigi did not do a straight sit, but she sat and waited for me to run the dog off and glare menacingly at his owner. Nice dog, but it's my job to make Gigi feel safe with me. That is our deal. We also had a friendly pug run up. I put Gigi in the command sit right away. There was one other "bully breed" making eye contact at Gigi, so I practiced my about turns with him and the owner's permission. She did try to overshoot on the first one, but then was doing it consistently thereafter.

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