Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Gigi Day 8-Lessons 23-24

Early and unbelievably hot morning:
1. Lesson an hour.
2. Objective is to get Gigi used to walking down a busy and crowded street.
3. Techniques used are heeling and auto sit ala Koehler influenced (but not training plan, due to condensed training time).
4. Tools used were muzzle, metal training collar, and 6' leather lead.
5. Owners not involved yet, so no homework given.
6. Today almost perfect heeling through most of the walk. Did have to correct some times for the auto sit. In town she was less worried than yesterday. Thru the whole hour long walk we saw not one dog. None were out today anywhere. Not in their yards, not in the park, and not on the street. She did seem more comfortable with the people, and we were not on the sidewalk but off to the side yesterday. Today since she had the muzzle on, I did bring her right into the thick of it. A very sweet boy petted Gigi, and said everyone should let dogs with muzzles on know that they are liked by petting them . I did make sure he knew to ask first, but what a sweety. Gigi did enjoy that. A grown man admired Gigi and wanted to see if she would accept a pat. She looked okay at first, but ended up barking at the man thru the muzzle. All in all, pretty happy with the walk. I am going to have to go to Portsmouth tomorrow though so I can guarantee dogs while we are walking!!

Evening Beach Walk:
1. Lesson an hour.
2. Objective, to get Gigi used to walking on crowded beach around dogs.
3. Techniques, heeling ala Koehler influenced with auto sit, AND down reps on the beach (not Koehler training plan, due to condensed training time).
4. Tools used were metal training collar and 6' leather lead. No muzzle as Gigi is better in the beach situation, and is becoming better used to that than crowded city streets. Course, I still think a barking eye contact dog may cause her to redirect, so jeans worn:)
5. Owners not involved yet,s o no homework given.
6. Gigi is still watchful, but seems far more accepting that there are strangers around. To this point and probably not for awhile, I won't let strangers approach other than to walk past or talk to me. That kind of approaching I allow with Gigi, but no attempts to pet unless muzzle is on OR she is much calmer than she is. However, she is getting better with this.

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