Thursday, March 28, 2013

Dog Grooming and Maintenance At Least Weekly (Republished)

 Food, shelter, affection, exercise and veterinary care are the well known basic needs of your pet.   Many owners forget or neglect grooming most of which should be done once a week, and some of which should be done daily.   Grooming is not only about how your dog looks, but also relates to their health, comfort, and physical well being.

Long haired dogs can develop very painful mats and tangles in their fur.  To leave a coat in this condition and then drop them off at a groomers like that is animal neglect and abuse.   Law does not define this that way except maybe in extreme cases, but animals having hair mats feel much pain from this.   Some long hair dogs need their coats combed out every day or so, while shorter hair dogs could use it every week.   Long coats are sometimes best shaved or trimmed by a groomer or yourself with proper instruction.   Hot months can be tough on dogs blessed with luxurious coats.    It will also keep down the brushing maintenance on high up keep type dogs.

Short haired dogs are very uncomfortable carrying all that excess dead hair around.   Brushing out their coat weekly gets rid of dead hair, dirt, and dead skin that builds up in their coat otherwise.  The owner has an excellent opportunity to examine their dogs for lumps and bumps that may need medical attention or just tweezers.  Additionally, it's a great thing to do before weekly house cleaning chores, as you reduce the source of much loose dust and hair before the vacuuming and dusting commence.

Bathing is not something that is generally done too often.   Too frequent bathing can cause all sorts of coat and skin problems in dogs by robbing them of their natural oils.   Basically, most pet dogs get bathed when they get really dirty (IE roll in something horrid, or get muddy).   Some human conditions (allergies) can require more frequent bathing.   If this is the case, be sure to keep an eye on your canine companion for signs of discomfort.   Also, check with your vet on the best products to use.

Dogs nails grow fast.   As they become long, they are uncomfortable for the dog as they walk along the floor.   In extreme cases, the nails curl under and affect the actual gait of the dog making walking or running uncomfortable and not a joy anymore.   Dogs nails should be clipped every week.   White nailed canines are easy to clip, with the proper tools, as you can see the quick.   The quick is an area of the nail where blood runs.   Avoid the quick if you can.   Black nailed dogs are harder to judge.   If you are new at this, you might want to have your vet or groomer demonstrate the best way to do this.

Wax build up in the ear is a magnet for infection and bacteria.   Cleaning out the ears properly each week, keeps the ear canals clean and generally infection or irritation free.   You want to purchase an ear cleaning solution that dissolves the wax inside the ear, then when the dog shakes his/her head, the wax is shaken to the ear canal and wrinkles in the ear that you can see.   Be sure not to stuff the wax back down the ear canal with whatever you use to clean it out.    Some people use wipes and some people use cotton human ear cleaners.   You just want to carefully remove the build up that has become loosened.

Another place bacteria and plaque like to grow into infection is the teeth.   Teeth cleaning should actually be done (ideally) daily or even after every feeding.   Be sure that you do not use human toothpaste for this task the chemicals or ingredients will harm your dog.  Pet supply stores sell toothpaste and brushes for dogs.   Be sure to concentrate on the areas where plaque will build, as well as the teeth as a whole.   For instance, the back teeth, gum line, and teeth spaces hold a lot of  residue.

In addition to the above, successfully being able to groom and care for your dog develops a deeper relationship with your dog.   Grooming is also a time where obedience can be practiced and tightened up on.   Take care of your dogs, they love you so much.

1 comment:

Dog Grooming Toronto said...

Regular dog grooming will provide your dog with not only a shinier coat but also a healthier lifestyle, plus it gives you the opportunity of spending some 'one on one' time with your dog.

Dog Grooming Toronto