Thursday, March 7, 2013

Mannerly Mutts Ten Commandments

  1. Potential students of Mannerly Mutts will complete our client application form before any services are rendered.
  2. Potential students of Mannerly Mutts will sign a contract, which outlines the expectations of both parties for private training sessions or residency training sessions, and be held accountable to the terms of that contract.
  3. Students of Mannerly Mutts will complete their homework every week per the detailed directions given.   If Thou has a reason for not completing their homework (including your dog not feeling well, which is exceptable but you will need to reschedule the next lesson accordingly), thou shalt contact Mannerly Mutts with the problem before the next lesson starts.
  4. Students of Mannerly Mutts will have been truthful and honest about any behavioral problems or aggression that have been observed in their dog.
  5. Students of Mannerly Mutts will verbalize any concerns during a lesson before that lesson ends.   Thou shalt be asked at the end of any lessons if any concerns and problems are foreseen completing the homework.
  6. Lessons will not advance until all homework has been verified as completed by the performance of the canine and human team as specified in the directions of the last lesson.   The client has the option of either completing that day's  homework in front of their trainer, or leaving and forfeiting the lesson fee for that day.
  7. Students of Mannerly Mutts will additionally be providing the appropriate nutritional, medical, physical, grooming, and mental care for their dogs.
  8. Students will provide Mannerly Mutts with up to date vaccination records.
  9. Students of Mannerly Mutts will not bring in a dog that is not feeling well for a lesson or require them to train (an exception for the homework rule).   If an illness has come on suddenly, we will waive the expected notice fee for the cancellation of that lesson.
  10. Thou shalt leave Mannerly Mutts with a partnership that has met or exceeded your goals, only by following the 9 commandments above and information detailed in your lessons.

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