Monday, October 27, 2008

Not What I Was Expecting!!

Youtube is a very helpful tool in looking up almost anything or anyone that you want to see. Jean Donaldson is a well known dog trainer everywhere, but especially popular in circles that want to ban certain training tools. I went to see how she looks when training a dog, and was totally unprepared for this when the title started out saying, we can train your dog to do anything...

Um, puts a whole nother understanding on the word "reward".

Need your dog to be trained to perform useful commands? Call Mannerly Mutts's Maine Dog Trainer, Robin Rubin, at 207-361-4395. Or e-mail


Anonymous said...! Is she rewarding the dog with allowing her to hump her leg??????

Been reading your blog...we signed up with Sit Means Sit a few months ago, so we use the e-collar. Have made lots of progress with my Berner...he is almost 15 months. I at times feel guilty using it....but seeing this video put me right back at thinking what nutjobs those people can be!!!

My dog get his whole base from clicker training, which was great, till I was left without a treat, or he looked at me, like hey, wher eis my treat? Or looked at me like, hey that treat is not good enough.

I like your post under this one too, makes lots of sense.

YOu would not believe how many people say, oh, you can only train a Berner with a clicker, only totally positive reinforcement, etc. True, my dog works generally on a 1 or 2 with the e-collar, and this does not hurt him in any way. His tail is wagging, and we are both much happier.

He does have his CGC, and we are working on moving towards RN and CD.

Robin said...

You know, silly me, I spent some time training Jack not to hump everything.

She should put the behavior eat on command too if you want to be really impressed LOL.