Saturday, February 23, 2008

Match Tomorrow/Training Schedule Today

Jack, Brie, and I are getting ready for a match tomorrow. This whole week has been basically firming up these basic skill sets. Devon is on vaca until we go to Trial basically (Feb 29th).

****Note to self, do a lot of food training (that is to refuse food, not to treat) with Jack tonight. Treating at these things is obnoxious, even though you can't bring them into the ring, and it will take an unprepared dog and make them a total spaz.

****Should also remember to see if husband can fix portable crate for Jack somehow.

Jack first half (a bit tired so I am going to do some more later on tonight or early am tomorrow):

Finish, did about 50 reps with e-collar instead of treats or chain collar. Didn't do bad, was sometimes crooked because he was staring at Brie and wanting to go play.

Worked a lot on myself walking with Jack and not walking into him when stopping for an autosit. Jack did pretty good sits at the end, now that he is beginning to believe that he doesn't have to worry about me flying into him. Also practiced off leash with hand on belly (left) and right hand swinging by my sid. He did really excellent as I practiced my T step for about turns. Left, he sometimes still crowds me a bit.

Brie's Schedule:

Still teaching finish, hopes she starts doing it today right from heel, so I don't need to make any movements (that would NQ me in the Trial).

Practice sit and down stay.

Practice heel on and off leash. See if it can feasible be done without any corrections or much coercion. No treats for practice today.

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