Saturday, February 2, 2008

Jackie Jackie Jackie....

My dog, Jack, is gross.   He's smart, sweet, loyal, loving, but most of all he's gross.   He finds dead things and presents them to us.   We always need to make sure he doesn't gulp down said dead thing.   This sometimes requires me to reach in mouth after dead thing.   

Well this time it was a glove.   Well not glove, but gloves.   My husband left these leather gloves out, and Jack managed to swallow them down, like a python, whole.   I just managed to see the fingers go down last out of the corner of my eye.

Now as one might imagine, we have become old hat at this.   He's probably done something like this six or seven times in the 1 year and nine months that we have had him.   So getting the brown bottle of hydrogen peroxide is pretty automatic now.   Next the tablespoons spaced every 10 minutes.   From 8 am to 12 pm, nothing comes out.   I now have to pick up my client's dogs.   

So I would normally bring Jack with me, as he can't be trusted not to swallow it back down, but these are two GREAT DANES!!!   So space is sort of tight in the dog mobile.   That means no room for Jack.   So I am thinking, okay what are the odds he's going to puke it out in the 15 minutes I am gone.   Okay, I am betting they are pretty high, but there is little I can do.

So I go grab Roxy and Harley.   We head back.   Sure enough, funky smell in the front hall, but no sign of anything.   Yeah right.   For the rest of the day (and this is a first after they hydrogen is administered) Jackie pukes no more.   Very worried owners go to bed for the night.   By the way, Jackie is comfortable and sleeps like a log.

By 12 pm the next day, A glove comes out with vomit.   I pounce on Jackie and the glove.   I verify that it is just one glove.   Later on that evening, I spot the other glove, but too late and Jackie is swallowing it back down.   I pounce on him, open up his mouth, and stick my hand in.   Nothing,  too late, but ewww what a smell.   I go downstairs to wash my hands, and come accross a pile of poop in the mudroom.   And in a poop is a glove finger.   THEN I realize where the glove came from, and what that particular smell was!!!

Okay, think about it.   Just let's say,pieces of a certain glove are going for theirsecond roller coaster ride in Jack's digestive track.

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