Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Day Off-----Not!!!

You would think with no clients today, my dog related stuff would be at a minimum, but nooooo.

Jack started the day off, as I tried to relax with some coffee, by spitting up on the rugs because he was hungry.   Next, Leon took a dump, after taking a big dump outside today, in the family room.  It was firm and solid.   Leon began crying to come in while I was cleaning, or at least I thought he was crying because of that.

Nope, bit pile of diarrhea in the "living" room---the room with no furniture to date where we do not love!!!   LOL.   

So the spot bot has been busy, plus then you need to regular vac, and then today, I am definitely wet vacing.  But all of that means before the regular vac, the dogs all get groomed, the whole place gets dusted, and on and on.  Huge cleaning day today, which would have been a lot less immediate and huge if it weren't for my own bugga boos today.

Not the fun part of dog training LOL.  Unfortunately, that may just be the first part of my day today.  On the upside, the house will definitely be spic and span once I finish.

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