Friday, February 17, 2012

Spencer Pyrenes X Old Training Footage of Day 2 and 3 Electronic Collar

This was taken in the beginning of December 2011.   Where is Spencer now?   Enjoying a full life with his family, not attacking dogs that come near his family, and being able to enjoy expanded and freedom due to this:)

It is important to train dogs in different areas.  This is why Day 2 is on the beach, and day 3 is in the woods off lead with other dogs.  The beach was a particularly calm day with no one else around, so it was a bit easier for Spencer.   The woods was full of new smells and friends, so it's not that it was really harder for Spencer so much as his adrenaline levels were elevated so he did not feel what was the working stim the day before.   When the dogs do feel it, they are usually trying to figure out what kind of bug is on them at first that is pestering them LOL.   Sometimes being in a different environment makes generalizing harder for a dog as well.  

Someday I am going to go on a walk with Spencer and family and show you all the finished product.   However, I do like to keep the beginning steps visible for clients and the interested parties.   So many times if you are showing the finished product, or training with an already trained dog as an example, a future dog trainer/owner (who will train) will think that they are experiencing something unusual when it does not go the same as the demo with the already trained dog .

I like to show where the learning begins, happens, and ends.   The full story if you will.  Spencer's owner reports that he is doing well, and it is much easier to walk him in public with their growing (human babies) family.

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