Monday, July 26, 2010

Our Weekend and Our Weekend Guests!!!

Proud of his ballie
How cute is Leon?
Wiggling and Waggling it for added attraction.
Bella wonders "hmmm what is over here?"
This wand thing has pretty lights.   She showed me before.
Oh, I know I could walk around the couch.   I go to the beat of a different drummer though.
Here is another thing that lights up.   Interesting.
Petey and Robin chillax on the couch after a long day.
Two friends from the beach are at the fleamarket.
Sales were brisk at the fleamarket at the Masonic Lodge in York Maine.
What a great job Robert did with the teapots and such.
I had many books on the table, including some dog books that I no longer need in my library.

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