Friday, July 16, 2010

Pet First Aid

Here are things that I keep in case of an emergency (getting in touch with your vet and/or calling the poison hot line is always a priority):

***Be sure to check with vet on proper dosages if you give your dog anything internally. This is best done BEFORE the emergency happens (IE call your vet before you accidentally find out you have given the wrong dose), and your vet may even have a table or chart to give to you.
  • Your vets phone number and poison hot line number in an easy place to find.
  • Hydrogen Peroxide (1% solution), good to clean out cuts & to induce vomiting (if you have a dog like I do that eats socks, underwear ET).
  • Bandages
  • Something that can be used as a tourniquet. (hidden barbed wire, glass, dog fights can cause injuries that need the bleeding to be stopped fast).
  • Muzzle (dogs in pain can bite, when you need to get them somewhere quickly and safely, it's best to put something on so you don't need to worry about it, or fight the dog, but just go)
  • Board that can be slid under the dog in case of back injury that will fit into vehicle.
  • Old towels, rags, or diapers to put under the dog.
  • Crate, for ride to the vets (don't need anything worse to happen).
  • Leash, collar, and id ET ready and available so you aren't racing around the house.
  • In a kit that goes with you or in your car, contact info to give to the vets, plus any medical records that you already have (in case of going to an emergency that is not your regular vet).
  • Sanitary napkins to control and add pressure to reduce bleeding.
  • Cotton pads to put under sticky bandages. (doesn't stick to wound)
  • Benadryl (for allergic reactions)
  • Rectal Thermometer and KY jelly (to lube up thermometer). Good to know what your dog's temperature SHOULD BE before doing this.
I found a more complete list at this site.
Here is the site for the Pet Poison Hotline.

Need your dog trained. Call Maine Dog Trainer, Robin Rubin, at Mannerly Mutts 207-361-4395. You may also e-mail for questions about your Maine Dog Training needs.


Ark Lady said...

Glad you are sharing the resource. I did a whole series related to animal disaster and first aid kits you might check it out.

BTW I've been reading your blog over the past couple of weeks--loved the piece on the electronic collars. I don't believe in using them but I've been in the field a long time and get tired of all the "us and them" bs.

Robin said...

I will check it out. I love dyour posts on rescue:)

And careful not to reveal your age LOL. I almost fall over sometimes when I haven't known the age of a trainer, and they are out there doing things...then you hope that you are doing those same things later on:) Been focusing a lot on my health, as I realize I don't really want to ever HAVE TO retire from this due to health issues.