Saturday, November 8, 2008

Don't Call Me Cookie

When we first moved to Maine, we took our dogs Jazz and Leon for a walk on Seapoint Beach in Kittery Maine. This is beach is not groomed, and a place people go to walk their dogs off leash (I think that's still the case, but laws might have been passed since). Most people in this area let their dogs off leash, and hope for a little bit of luck that their dogs come back to them.

As we are walking down the beach, dogs are greeting and playing everywhere. Most everyone looked pretty socially aware. This one dog, who is very rambunctious and perhaps a bit socially challenged, is coming up to dogs a bit rudely, but everyone remains in good spirits. We can't see the owner anywhere.

Then I hear someone shouting "cookie, cookie". This run away keeps right on playing, and just about every other dog but ours dashes to the cookie calling human LOL. Her dog did not so much decide coming was a good idea.

This was pretty funny, and in talking to the lady, I found out the reason that she was calling "cookie" is that was her dogs name. When they selected the name, they figured dogs come for cookies, so call her Cookie. Only one little problem, they deadened the word forever for her, because not only does she associate that word with not with cookies, freedom is almost always the better reward anyway:)

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