Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A Bit of Daycare and Boarding Fun

Here are some previous (and one continuing) training clients who have become bored with the running and chasing games during the day.   They nap too here, do not fear.   I like to mix it up for them during the day either with some formal training or just doodling on jumps and so forth.

Leon is an old hat at jumping.   Tommy once he warms up, you can see he is quite taken with jumping as well.  Boris became scared of the noise the jump made when his foot went over it once, but you can see he is pretty much over that now.   Ollie is introduced for the first time, which is why I start walking him over the jump.  Jake is having his own fun with Boris, and Bailey is just enjoying the fact that he is outside and able to run, albeit on a long line.

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