Saturday, February 20, 2010

Nellie's Weekend Getaway


I am Nellie.   I live near Mannerly Mutts.   My owners have been bringing me there so that I might learn to come instead of adventure around the neighborhood.  

After a few rough starts at homes, I have learned that people are largely good.   Big movements can scare me, but people come with cookies and pets.   I like those things, therefore, I like people.

Other dogs are "interesting".   Much like the round things that are sometimes thrown my way, I really don't know what everyone wants me to do WITH them.   When I go to investigate, many times I get jumped on or overwhelmed.   However, at this house there seem to be two potential long term friends for me.   I am still investigating this possibility.

Here I am checking  out this big brown thing in front of me.   I don't know....he makes me nervous.   But as I check him out, he looks away as if to say "it's okay, sniff me as you will".
Okay, what is that little black thing?   And, wait one moment, where did everyone go?

Wait that doggie doesn't care about me.   What is he doing over there and not paying attention to me?   This is the point that I get bounced on.   Hey wait, they are doing something together without me.  What the...
Do you think it's safe to come out of hiding?   Well here I am everyone.   Sigh, I guess I will just lie down and take a nap.

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