I have been spending a ton of time with my Red Boys, Jack and Leon. Pictures should be coming via my husband's cell phone of our outing at Art in the Park on Saturday. Such gorgeous stuff is there every year, and this year was no exception. Jack was very well behaved around the other dogs there. He gets very upset if he looses sight of his brother, Leon, however.
Sunday, we started by going to Paneras. Their training has gotten sloppy, and they were totally crazy together yesterday. They kept breaking their downs, and Leon did his woeful crying thing. Of course, they got tons of attention and compliments as we sat there. I was alone, so what I did was get my Chai and Pecan Roll first, then got them from the car. Leon's such a mother's boy, that he gets upset if my attention is not constantly on him LOL. Eventually, he and Jack just cuddled together and calmed down. We also took two long walks in the woods yesterday. Leon just likes to trundle along smelling stuff or race after his brother, Jack. Jack is all about movement and hunting in the woods. You have to watch him, as he is especially talented at finding things both alive and dead in the woods. Perhaps not as talented as my deceased dog, Jazz, however who would find and fling snakes at us in the woods LOL. Leon wants to be friends with all living creatures and does not automatically think of them as a snack.
In order to get their training back up to par, I am going to need to work them both separately and together in public. Also make sure the commands are in good form in the more quiet and less distracting situations.
We are going to the vet today as I found a rash on Jackie's stomach while during our beauty session this morning. I have noticed also that he has begun itching his ears a lot lately. Additionally, there has also been a change in the time that he goes to the bathroom. Lately, he has needed to go at 3am in the morning. It's no big deal to wake up with him, I am just worried that this change might be a symptom of something going on with him. Individually it might not seem like anything, but I always like to be safer than sorrier. Jackie is very healthy generally.
Mannerly Mutts Dog Training
Mannerly Mutts Blog
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