Sunday, August 6, 2006

China Dog Massacre
China plans another massacre of dogs. I was just going to slip this in to my news links this week. I have been having a very hard time reading news of this story. It just makes me sick.
Let me first of all say, I don't want rabies spread. China has other problems like the murder of newborn female children, so I do understand this is another culture that we are talking about. I am not sure whether or not dog owners in China have anything resembling the same kind of relationship that I (in the US) have with my dog. Dogs are also food products in that country. Cows, which we eat, are reverred in other countries. Most dogs in china are not inoculated against rabies.
However, I can't stop picturing myself walking down the road with my canine buddies, and someone coming up, snatching them, and then attempting to club them to death in front of me. Someone would be hurt. It would probably be me, but there is no way I would willingly let go of my dogs. And if I got my hands on that wouldn't be my dogs that would be getting hurt. Between this and the BSL bullshit happening lately, it's enough to get anyone's panties in a twisted knot that just won't go away.
And how many of those dogs do you think are actually infected with rabies????? Isn't there some way a quarantine could be put in effect, and people could volunarily watch their dogs for any signs?
I am assuming the reason they do not vaccinate, is that the general population can't afford it? If that's not the reason, perhaps China can come up with clinics like we have in the states to vaccinate and tag dogs. I recently read about some other country doing this with stray dogs. Are they not humanely euthanizing dogs for the same reason (lack of funds)?
I do realize that it's because of my relationship with my dogs, that this is so horrifying to me. Mind you, I don't like seals being clubbed to death either. I don't like inhumane treatment of any animal. I do understand that there are those situations of health and well being (and stopping a horrifying disease like rabies from spreading) certain measures need to take place. This seems so unjustly cruel and inhumane though.

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