Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Apprenticeship in Dog Training

Apprenticeships, I have learned, can come with the understanding that someone owns you. Something that was not made clear up front, and something that I started distancing myself from in August 2004, apparently to the dismay of others there, who seem to have missed me and the "volume" I put out, and for reasons that I can not begin to understand seem threatened by instead of happy for. So here is the backlash towards me because I dared once to ask about matches, not from my mentor/owner, but from the group. Not that ny answers ever did come from mentor/owner. Also because I mentioned a method of getting a dog off you in a crisis that was misunderstood as being a training method. This was all well before the incident "a couple weeks ago" (read last week). The reason this was known, was because this list was scanned the whole time for those references, which I stopped making about that organization and individual per their request. So, beware, of situations you put yourself in, especially in this volatile field. If you pay for the apprenticeship in thousands of dollars, the rules most likely are the same. Be careful out there. That being said, I did get a lot out of my experience, but you may have to live with the fact, that if you are any good and are going out on your own, there may be jealousy that makes it impossible for you to continue the relationship with that mentor. Even if you aren't as good as them, they can hold it against you. Doesn't make any sense, but it's a smaller world in the dog world than it is in the corporate world. And I am not saying there's not crazy competition there!!! And backstabbing.

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