What is it that Nancy Freedman-Smith (owner and trainer at Goodogz in Portland ME), blogger on http://mainepets.mainetoday.com/, doesn't want you to know? She has been working hard these days to suppress information on an organization that I don't agree with, just because she doesn't agree with me. And, oh yes, she is a member of this organization.
Generally, I wouldn't call another trainer out, however, Nancy herself is not afraid to call trainers out in this post and this post and this post and this post...(not me and I would rather you look at the post, rather than give credence to this for those poor trainers) She disagrees with them, and so she can name them. Isn't that special (pulling up the old church lady from Saturday Night Live old school). Apparently, Nancy is so special that she feels free to ban posts from public blogs, with the help of mainepets.com, of an organization that she belongs to, but that I disagree with. It's okay for her to talk about organizations and INDIVIDUALS BY NAME that she disagrees with, however.
She even talked about me on the Truly Dog Friendly Board, behind my back, as she thought it wouldn't get back to me!!!! About this article, she claimed I wasn't even a professional dog trainer without researching it!!!! Slander I say LOL (I really have nothing to worry about from her)! Just do a Google and Yahoo search or find an old copy of the Worcester MA yellow pages from when I lived there. Isn't it good to know you are in the capable hands of someone who looks at the information before posting it?
It is supposedly against mainpets.com's policy to allow their actions to be influenced by other member's disagreements on philosophy (yeah right)!! I am hoping to find a reply in my inbox today, that rectifies this situation. I was quiet and nice before, and didn't complain about her. My bad!!
Nancy Feedman Smith also belong's to the APDT where this kind of conduct is supposedly against professional membership rules. Association of Pet Dog Trainers, what steps have you taken for members like this?
Here is the information that Nancy would like y'all not to see:
There is this one about one of the founders of the Truly Dog-Friendly Organization. And here are the quotes from her that Nancy Freedman Smith and Truly Dog Friendly organization would really REALLY like everyone to forget about (acquired by others from the canine professional certification yahoo public board posts 421 and 430, shhhhhhhh):
"Not all pain-causing methods are prosecutable abuse, but the risk of a dog with aggressive behaviors being abused by someone who uses pain causing methods is high, so yes, given the choice, if it were my dog who had an aggression problem and my only choices were to euthanize or send it to someone who used pain-causing methods, I would choose euthanasia for the dog's well-being. I think a gently death is preferable to abuse." - Pat Miller
You can see why one would want everyone to forget that. Pain causing methods to Pat Miller include traditional training equipment that was recently referenced in an article by me OR electronic collars, which have levels so low that most dogs or humans can even feel them. However due to her philosphy, she would prefer death. Death=Truly Dog Friendly Organization. Huh?
Additionally it would be really good if you forgot this verification forwarded to me after being Posted on Truly Dog Friendly's Public Yahoo board by Pat Miller post # 7015 in it's entirety:
Re: going down with the ship?
<<The fact that someone cited Pat Miller's statement totally out of
context, means that they wish to use that statement against her and
any other positive-reinforcemany other positive-reinf
impression "They'd rather have a dog euthanized than ever use an e-
collar to help train it and save its life."
Actually, stated this way, the comment is essentially true for me, solely
because I believe it's a false premise that a shock collar would be necessary to
save the dog's life. I believe there are always other options. Although I
tend to state it as, "I can't imagine a situation in which I would feel
compelled to use a shock collar."
Ooookaaaayyyyy. Note to self, not the dog trainer for me!! Neither is one who does a consultation for dog training over the phone, without seeing the client in person in her own words. A two minute over the phone consult, and she pinpointed the problem!! Amazing.
Other articles in the series that Nancy Freedman Smith does not want you to know about. Sadly most places practice freedom of speech and democracy.
Here is the advice Nancy Freedman Smith will give you if you call her for help with a biting dog. She is very confident that they can help you.
Here is a picture of Nancy's graduating class. Draw your own conclusions. This wouldn't be good enough for me and my dog, and it shouldn't be good enough for you!!
A manners course normally includes dogs not jumping, and people not encouraging dogs to jump up, especially on children. As a post that is about a graduating class, I don't find these pictures particularly impressive.
Need your dog trained? Visit the http://www.mannerlymutts.com services page. Or contact me at 207-361-4395 in York Maine. Ask for Robin Rubin, Dog Trainer.
Say no to HSUS, PETA, No Shock Collar Coalition (NSCC), International Association of Positive Dog Trainers (IAPDT), or Truly Dog Friendly Organization (TDF). Articles and information on why I do not support these organizations is on here and here.
Need your dog trained? Visit the http://www.mannerlymutts.com services page. Or contact me at 207-361-4395 in York Maine. Ask for Robin Rubin, Dog Trainer.
Say no to HSUS, PETA, No Shock Collar Coalition (NSCC) or Truly Dog Friendly Organization (TDF). Articles and information on why I do not support these organizations is on here and here.