Thursday, October 20, 2005

Confidence For People Going Into New Field

I have to say, I am hoping any new people who have been involved or just are witnessing this sudden rash of "arguments" aren't lacking any confidence in themselves. Through my life I have learned, if you want to do something, do it. Other people are going to have a problem with it for whatever reason as follows: 1. The need to be right (don't even bother arguing with this crowd, you will NEVER win) 2. Jealousy (they don't want anyone else to take their place or be as successful in the future) 3. The need to make someone else feel insignificant (makes them feel more powerful) 4. The need for debate (some people just like to debate, but those people usually don't get nasty) And sometimes this argument or debate is informative, and sometimes it's really annoying and petty. But if you are doing what you want to do, you are not hurting anyone or thing, and you see improvement in yourself, you just need to buck up, and not give a flying fig about what anyone else thinks. Even if they have thirty or more years experience, does not mean you don't have the right to find your own way. Whether you do what people call "positive" training, or you do balanced training, do the best you can do and log your results. At some point if results are at a stand still, find out why, but remember not everyone's opinion is gospel. It's important for you to weed out the good, bad and ugly LOL. And they are all here on this list (different characters for different people). If I was ever waiting for anyone to put their seal of approval on me, I would still be pumping gas at a gas station like when I was 17. I wouldn't have become a comptroller for billion dollar companies, but more importantly I would not have become a dog trainer (not as $$ lucrative but much more lucrative life wise) If you want to be successful at XYZ, you go out there and get the info and experience, but do not let anyone else put you down or belittle you. How do you do that? Just shut off those voices and keep on going! Decide which voices are helping you achieve your goals and which ones aren't. Sometimes someone who was helpful in the beginning may not be so helpful as you become more accomplished. Thank them, and go on. So the new ones, keep your confidence about you, even when uglyness is being thrown your way. I must admit, some of these discussions have made me loose some respect for other trainers on this list, which is not to say I haven't been sucked into these "discussions" once or twice before.