Thursday, June 10, 2010

How To Be A Balanced Human

I talk a lot about balance in dog training or creating a balanced behavior in a dog. Balance means not too much of one or the other. Or not too little of one or the other.

I try to translate this to my personal life as much as possible. My unbalance in life is that I either do tasks at a 100% level or I relax at a 100% level. For instance, if I relax too much and get behind, then I try to catch up on every little thing on one day (cleaning, taxes, finances, vendor correspondence ET). If I exercise I either exercise for an hour (or worse much more) everyday no matter how I feel, or I can't bear to exercise at all.

Recently, I have been trying to apply what I do in dog training with a mixture of "have to", "want to", and "should do". By doing a little of everything, I am more up to date and less stressed. Course I haven't totally caught up yet. Today though, after biking to clients and working many dogs, and knowing that I have about three residency cases coming in soon, I have elected for a little alone time with my dogs, Gigi and Magoo this morning of nothing other than relaxing.

I have been fighting off the impulse to work into every second every little thing I could multi task, because that is going to happen from tomorrow and through the next several months.

When my business gets like that, what we do is take "our or hour" - cations. Mini family breaks where we stop everything, leave the house and enjoy each other. We might go to the 123 for a lunch out with the dogs in tow on their outside area, or to Fox's for ice cream with the dogs, or the Cherry Tree----or perhaps a bigger trip to Cape Elizabeth, Fort Foster, or Fort McClary. It's just a time for me, my husband, and our dogs to unwind just a bit as if we are on vacation.

Enjoy balance in both your dogs' and your own life!!

New Hampshire and Maine Dog Trainer

Mannerly Mutts Blog

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