Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Kittery Training AGAIN

The first picture is Magoo in a sit outside the Orvis store.   We then went in and selected a bed.   Magoo was, of course, fawned all over.   You should know that you will NEVER be left alone if you have a Great Dane with you, especially if they are as cute and well behaved as Magoo.   My card and info were requested in the store for someone with a small dog "problem".

The next picture is Leon across the parking lot in a place, as I get Magoo to start training sessions with him.   Yeah, that's right, he's lying on the soft and cushy dog bed that we just bought.   Look at the salt on the ground PLUS the ground is cold.  Magoo fits rather comfortably on the bed with Leon as well.

I only had my handheld with me, so I didn't get great shots of, well anything, but I couldn't shoot what me and Magoo were doing here.  I will get my tripod set up for tomorrow and show you some cute video of Leon trying to figure out how to retrieve on the "ice skating rink".  Also due to go out to Portsmouth, as we rotate distracting areas to train in for Magoo, so hopefully on January 17th, he will not totally wig out in the chaos of the event.

And then between having a year old Great Dane with me, and a Doberman retrieving my keys, a crowd formed. So our training concluded for the day, and the boys got to meet and greet. Magoo and Leon got quite a few photos taken with a couple of nice young ladies that spent a bit of time chatting with us.

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